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A Letter to my Daughter

Preetha D’Souza, Mysuru

Posted on : November 14, 2018 at 12:01 AM

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“Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this World a beautiful garden.” – Unknown

My Dear Baby Girl,

Welcome to this beautiful World of wonders!

You are now surrounded by your near and dear ones. You are a tiny person with cute tiny little fingers, tiny little feet, sparkling eyes, sweet smiles and innocent cries. Everyday every moment is so precious with you. Watch you sleep, see you play, takes our breathe away. Everyday you are growing and becoming beautiful. You are discovering your own little hands and legs and playing with them. You are beautifully responding to the voices, sounds and objects moving. Your sweet sounds of coo and woo and your response to peek-a-boo are pleasant and soothing. You are trying to lift your head up. There are lot more things for you in store to discover and lot more things for you to do as you grow up each day. Dad and Me are always with you by your side watching and encouraging.

Numerous things are ahead of you in the World you have been born.

You are in a World full of wonders, wonders of nature and wonders of mankind. You are very free to know about all these wonders of time.

You are in a World full of surprises, surprises from family and friends, and people you meet and many which you may experience in any way.

You are in a World full of adventures, adventures of reaching any part of the Earth, sky and sea, visit places and people and explore in galore.

You are in a World full of opportunities, opportunities which can show you the way to be what you want to be and do what you want to do.

You are in a World full of diverse culture and beliefs, those that you have to respect and value and involve.

You are in the generation where the World is on your finger tip. Everything is made easy and fast, yet you must learn about the life and struggle of previous generations. Playing games, watching movies, reading books and newspapers in real, without the help of android will amuse you more.

You are in a World where there are people of all types. Do not be judgmental but try to understand them. Some may need your help, be helpful. Some may help you, be thankful to them.

You are in a World filled with good and evil. You need to choose the best from the worst and move ahead.

You are in a World where there are people deprived of many essentials and basics for life. Be grateful and satisfied with what you have.

There may be times where you will face failures, be strong and work hard.

There may be times where people try to put your down, be bold and rise with courage.

There may be times where you will have to make tough decisions, be thoughtful and don’t get carried away.

Practice and follow a good lifestyle that will keep you healthy and busy in body and mind.

Time flies and you will be an independent individual, but always remember and adore your yesteryears.

Put God first, love your family, respect elders. Make your gender proud. Live a happy life…

Be lively and cheerful!!

Be Gail!!!

With Love and care,


To every child, boy or girl, black or white, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, normal or abnormal…

Happy Children’s Day!!!

Images Courtesy: Google

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Preetha’s previous writings:

Profession that teaches all other professions
My Dad, the most ordinary man
Respect and honor women whole heartedly
What’s your resolution for new year?
It’s Dasara again!!
Let’s make Incredible India a developed country


  1. Very awesome message , to ur daughter & whole world regarding how parent love their child,
    Especially mom-daughter,..
    I bet u in further years, when ur daughter reads this article she realizes how much my mom loved me in childhood…
    ATB for next article

  2. This article speaks about the love of a mother towards her child,
    The words expressed here show the strong bond between the mother and her child,
    This article helps every parent to accept and welcome their children they are, also reminds the duty of everyone.
    Thank you Mrs. Preetha for your beautiful words.

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