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2020 – A Year to Remember!

Preetha DSouza Miranda

Posted on : January 4, 2021 at 8:21 PM

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Article by Preetha DSouza Miranda

We all have stepped into a New Year 2021, with a ray of hope that this year would be safe and sound. We bade good bye to 2020 which was expected to be a fancy year, alas! it turned out to be definitely not the best we’ve ever had.

Year 2020_01

2020 showed the whole World both the darker side and the brighter side of life. It put a difficult wave ahead of us to face and fight, and row our boats of lives to safer shores in a different pace. It slowed down our speed in all walks of life and almost shut down most of our plans, our daily activities and schedules, our work and business, and mostly affecting the people of daily wages. For many, 2020 kept one far from home, far from the family, far from the people and far from the Motherland lastly. Also it took away our dear ones on the death bed battling for life.

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It had tried our strength, our courage, our patience – we’ve had to give it our everything, expecting nothing in return but hope for better times, and have faith in retaining what we’ve gained and regaining what we’ve lost.

And yet, let’s not forget the good things 2020 had brought. Despite not being able to see our friends and sometimes even families in person, we had managed to stay in touch. And by keeping ourselves masked and keeping our safe distance, we had shown how much we care about our loved ones and the society.

We also had to find other ways to support and help each other. And we found them, by spending time with our families, being close to each other, and sharing smiles and peaceful joy at home with the elders and the children. We had given to the World what we do best, sharing our skills online asking for nothing in return. We had all the time in the World. In the sense, 2020 has united us more than ever. We have been grateful to those who have been saving lives all this time, and showing our gratitude in many different ways.

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This difficult period made us slow down and look at our lives from a different angle. Always being on the long run, and scaling ladders to new achievements, we might have missed important things that lies so very close. And now finally we are wakened from this hectic race and opened our eyes. And just have to think of this, that we’ve never been seized working, we tried being useful, and finding ways to bring new ideas and improve old ones. We shifted everything we could to the online mode. And what we couldn’t, we made safe for everyone involved. We showed selfless care for each other. Even for those we don’t know and we might never meet again. And deep inside we knew we would have done so, even without being told to, just because we are human and caring is in our nature.

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All in all now, 2020 hadn’t been the best year granted, but we smiled and had moments with glory and peace, and did what we could to help each other. 2020 made us to be close than ever and remember what compassion is, and why we need each other so much. We remembered how good it feels to hug someone we love, what a joy it is to see our family and friends in person. We also loved cooking our own food the way we like it and did our personal works without being dependent on others and ultimately realised what a marvelous place our planet is. We all remembered how much we appreciate the wind in our air, the sunrise and the sunset, soft rustling of trees, gushing of rivers and oceans, sweet chirping of birds and gait of animals. Also in major we realised how silent and pure the nature would be without human activities. We learnt how much we care for others and above all, we realised how much we value our freedom. We showed that we can persevere, and whatever life has to throw at us, we will stand as one and bravely embrace.

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2020, a difficult year full of revelations and changes, is indeed a year to remember. The darker side and the brighter side of life experienced in 2020 will always be a milestone for mankind to strengthen to face all situations and changes in the years to come.

Hoping a better New Year 2021!!!

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Preetha’s previous writings:

Profession that teaches all other professions
My Dad, the most ordinary man
Respect and honor women whole heartedly
What’s your resolution for new year?
It’s Dasara again!!
Let’s make Incredible India a developed country


  1. This article exactly describes one’s feelings about the year 2020. It mentions briefly the impacts of the pandemic year in two aspects. Through this, the author helps us understand that our sufferings and sacrifices encourage the nature to heal herself. With regards to the human relationship, though he is distanced socially, the love, care and time spent with family have increased a lot during these days!

    Thanks a lot Mrs. Preetha,

    You have beautifully expressed the reality in your article!
    May God bless you!

  2. The article is insightful and very well written! This recapitulation of 2020 is so well articulated that it manifests an unparalleled discernment towards life.

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