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Missing the Mangalorean Monsoon

Rowena Pereira

Posted on : August 19, 2015 at 10:31 AM

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Weather_Dubai_Rowena_Budkulo_01I came to the UAE a year ago to carve a better future for myself. And I feel very glad indeed that I have been successful in doing so. I have a great job, I am surrounded by wonderful people, I have a fun filled life and I am truly grateful for all the amazing things that I have been blessed with.

But a part of my soul wants to go back where it belongs. And my motherland India is where it belongs. It’s been a year that I haven’t felt the Indian soil under my feet. It’s been a year that I haven’t felt the wind that the lush green trees of my hometown have to offer. It’s been a year since I knew what the rains felt like.

Ahh the Rains!! If there’s one thing I thoroughly miss about India, it’s the rains. I’m sure every Indian residing in the UAE thoroughly misses the monsoon and all the glory it brings along with it.

Temperatures in the UAE have reached as high as 52 degree Celsius. The winds that blow are hot. There’s hot water coming out of cold water pipes. The sun’s glare is too severe. In other words, it is literally a burning furnace out here. And all I crave for is to take the next flight to Mangalore and experience the wonderful phenomena called the monsoons and then return with a sense of peace and satisfaction.

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Certain things that seemed so unimportant back in the days now suddenly hold great importance in my mind. For example, the feeling of the sky turning dark and cold winds flowing carrying within themselves the essence of the oncoming rains, the feel of the rain drops on my face, the smell of the soil as it was touched by the first rain drops of the season, the craving for hot bites of my mother’s wonderful evening snacks namely “neeruli bhaje”(onion pakodas) and “batata wade” (Potato snacks) and the joy that lay in curling up in a blanket while the sound of the pattering raindrops made a melodious monsoon rendition outside the window.

Certain days when it rained cats and dogs, rain holidays would be declared which brought immense joy to school and college students. While the school students would stay at home and watch television, the college students would rush to theatres to catch up with the latest movies or head to other eating joints and make various memories in the rain.

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A particular memory I have associated with the rains is riding around the city on my scooter, with the limited protection of my raincoat, and the prickly rain drops falling on my face through my half open helmet. As dangerous or risky as it may sound, it surely had a charm of its own. Riding through puddles full of water, on purpose, with an intention to splash the water all around, was so much fun and brought along momentary bursts of bliss.

Rain_India_Rowena_Budkulo_01The Lord of monsoons did show some mercy on the NRIs here as it rained for a day in December 2014. But it was so short lived that it even didn’t wet my umbrella completely, let alone drenching me.

Of course the rain in India came along with its specific pros and cons. But as an Indian residing in the UAE all I can remember is the pleasant and fun filled life associated with the rain. If there would be one wish granted to me right now, all I would want, is to be magically teleported to my house in Mangalore, sit by the window and just watch the rain pouring down. Nothing else but watch the rain and inhale breaths of utter solace and tranquility.

Rowena Pereira – Archives⇓

From Darkness to Light


  1. Congratulations. It is a good article. A very good beginning. Keep writing……….

  2. Congrats Preema ! Good article. Not only u people miss rain v too r missing the monsoon. Its not like before. I wish it rains heavily. The weather is hot.

  3. Rain rain come to Middle East please. I miss the rains too. For us rain is only available in videos and pictures.

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